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#0 1999

 Item — Container: Box 15
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

This collection of various comic titles range from the 1940's through 2010's. Each issue has African American characters featured in the issue.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1947 - 2018

0. E. Kriege, President, New Orleans Univ. 1925-1935 , 1939

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

Highlights of the Frederick Hall collection in the Auburn Avenue Research Library Archives Division are 228 testimonials and correspondence dating from 1939 to 1950. Also included is one scrapbook of clippings, programs, flyers and other materials documenting Dr. Hall's tenure at Dillard University.

Dates: Other: 1939

#0 October 1994

 Item — Container: Box 18
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

This collection of various comic titles range from the 1940's through 2010's. Each issue has African American characters featured in the issue.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1947 - 2018

00-sh 'Bop Journal of Creative Black Culture, Spring 1977

 File — Box: 23, Folder: 6
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Kathleen Joy Ballard Peters papers documents her professional and personal life through correspondence, print materials, publications and other documents.

Dates: 1973 - 2010

0 Sing Unto the Lord, 1st Live recording- Gospel Music Workshop of America

Scope and Contents From the Collection:

The Collection contains around 200 records which are largely musical but also includes non-musical recordings. The musical recordings include a wide variety of genres including rock, pop, rap, jazz, blues, gospel, and classical. The composers and/or performers, as well as the compositions, provide examples of African-American contributions to the field of music. The non-musical recordings are speeches, stories, debates, etc.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1940 - 1999

1, 2, 3, 4, 5/80 [Subject: UNSUB; Posse Comitatus AFO (B), Re: Bureau Teletype to Washington Field, January 28, 1980]

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 22
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

Daniel Levitas Papers consist of 67 linear feet of material. The bulk of the collection, which spans the years 1965 to 2010, consists of Manuscripts, Correspondence, Publications, Newspapers, Articles, Newsletters, Notes, Financial Records, Posters, Brochures, Video Materials, Audio Cassettes, DVD Material, Books, Programs, Hate Crime Cases, Reports, and Ephemera.

Dates: 1965 - 2010

1, 2, 3, 4/77 [Subject: UNSUB, aka Americans Concerned for Freedom and Liberty, Dallas Chapter, USA; Lake County Sheriff's Posse Comitatus]

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 18
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

Daniel Levitas Papers consist of 67 linear feet of material. The bulk of the collection, which spans the years 1965 to 2010, consists of Manuscripts, Correspondence, Publications, Newspapers, Articles, Newsletters, Notes, Financial Records, Posters, Brochures, Video Materials, Audio Cassettes, DVD Material, Books, Programs, Hate Crime Cases, Reports, and Ephemera.

Dates: 1965 - 2010

1 - 7/74 [Subject: Sheriff's Posse Comitatus, aka., Posse Comitatus EM OO: Portland]

 File — Box: 5, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

Daniel Levitas Papers consist of 67 linear feet of material. The bulk of the collection, which spans the years 1965 to 2010, consists of Manuscripts, Correspondence, Publications, Newspapers, Articles, Newsletters, Notes, Financial Records, Posters, Brochures, Video Materials, Audio Cassettes, DVD Material, Books, Programs, Hate Crime Cases, Reports, and Ephemera.

Dates: 1965 - 2010

1 1964 Back-to-the-Bible Broadcast Calendar

 File — Box: 28, Folder: 13
Identifier: Series II
Scope and Content Note From the Collection: The E.R. Carter and A.J. Lewis, II Collection is an extensive collection (49 Hollinger boxes) that covers religious and educational history of Atlanta from the 1890's through the 1970's. Edward Randolph Carter (1856 -1944) was a Baptist minister, and for more than 60 years he pastored the oldest Black Baptist Church in Atlanta, Friendship Baptist Church. Much of the documentation about Rev. Carter pertains to Friendship Baptist Church. Numerous pastoral and church anniversary programs and...
Dates: [ca. 1890-1985]

#1 1990

 Item — Container: Box 13
Scope and Contents From the Collection:

This collection of various comic titles range from the 1940's through 2010's. Each issue has African American characters featured in the issue.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1947 - 2018

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Archival Record 129196
Digital Record 713
Africa -- Photographs 1
African American Women 1
African American photographers--History--20th century. 1
African American photographers--United States. 1
African American women. 1
∨ more  
French 267
Italian 31
English 25
Spanish; Castilian 15
Dutch; Flemish 10
∨ more  
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772 11
Carey, Henry Charles, 1793-1879 11
Lea, Isaac, 1792-1886 11
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871 8
Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664 6
∨ more
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain) 6
Bartholomew, J. G. (John George), 1860-1920 5
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794 5
Hall, Sidney Prior, 1842-1922 5
Levasseur, Victor 5
Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598 5
Andree, Richard, 1835-1912 4
Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823 4
Manesson-Mallet, Allain, 1630?-1706? 4
Zambia. General Survey Department 4
Arrowsmith, John, 1790-1873 3
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 3
Findlay, A. (Alexander), 1790-1870 3
Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612 3
Kitchin, Thomas, 1718-1784 3
Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868 3
Perrot, A. M. (Aristide Michel), 1793-1879 3
Phillip, George 3
Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, 1688-1766 3
Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 3
Barlow 2
Basire, Isaac, 1704-1768 2
Darton, William, 1781-1854 2
Dufour, A.-H. (Auguste-Henri), 1798-1865 2
Johnson, A. J. (Alvin Jewett), 1827-1884 2
Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650 2
Moll, Herman, -1732 2
Münster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 2
Neele, Samuel John, 1758-1824 2
Northrup, Mathew 2
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676 2
Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826 2
United States. Social and Economic Statistics Administration 2
Visscher, Nicolaes, 1618-1679 2
Williams, Hosea, 1926-2000 2
Wyle & Hewitt 2
Anthouard, Albert François Ildefonse d', baron, 1861- 1
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782 1
Arrowsmith, M. 1
Arrowsmith, Samuel, -1839 1
Barnes, John 1
Bianconi, F., 1840- 1
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673 1
Bond, H., (Engraver) 1
Bowen, Thomas, -1790 1
Brightly, C. 1
Brookes, William 1
Buchon, J. A. C. (Jean Alexandre C.), 1791-1846 1
Butler, Samuel Edward, 1748-1809 1
Bünting, Heinrich, 1545-1606 1
C.S. Hammond & Company 1
Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839 1
Center for Democratic Renewal 1
Colton, G. Woolworth (George Woolworth), 1827-1901 1
Comité de l'Afrique française 1
Conder, Thomas, 1746 or 1747-1831 1
Cram, George Franklin, 1841-1928 1
Culver, Phillipp 1
Desnos, Louis-Charles, 1725-1805 1
Dietell, Christoph 1
Dower, John, active 1838-1846? 1
Dury, Andrew 1
Duval, Henri (Henri Louis Nicolas), 1783-1854 1
Finlayson, John 1
Finley, A., Anthony 1
Grenet, Roberto Bona 1
Henry, Antoine Auguste Selves 1
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724 1
Jackson, Maynard, 1938-2003 1
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1632?-1712 1
Johnston, Keith, 1844-1879 1
Keere, Pieter van den, 1571-approximately 1646 1
Kelly, Thomas 1
L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 1
Lavoisne, C. V. 1
Leach, John 1
Levasseur, A. 1
Long, George, 1800-1879 1
Martin, Robert Montgomery, 1803?-1868 1
Matthews-Northrup Company 1
McDerby, G. 1
Omnigraph. 1
Park, Mungo, 1771-1806 1
Pigaffetta, Filippo 1
Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, 1788-1874 1
Rapkin, J. 1
Rollos, George 1
Ruscelli, Girolamo, -approximately 1565 1
Sanson, Guillaume 1
Sanson, N. (Nicolas), 1626-1648 1
Schley, Jacobus van der, 1715-1779 1
Schreiber, Johann Georg, 1676-1750 1
Smith, J. Aubrey (James Aubrey), 1902-2004 1
Southern Christian Leadership Conference 1
Starling, Thomas 1
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